
The Australian National University Computer Science Students’ Association, Inc.

Revision History
b253c9b30 Aug 2024

Alter the composition of commitee by adding communications officer

1dd975b30 Aug 2024

Remove references to Clubs Council and remove some ANUSA Affiliation provisions

d1470e501 Sep 2023

Correct references to PARSA and CECS

6a0205902 Sep 2022

Adopt new constitution for incorporation

1 Definitions

In this constitution:

the Act

means the Associations Incorporation Act 1991.


means an annual general meeting of members.


means Australian National University.

ANU student

means a person enrolled as a student at the ANU, regardless of current study load or program type.


means The Australian National University Students’ Association.


means a position on committee other than ordinary committee member.

special resolution

means a resolution that is passed at a general meeting by two-thirds or more of the members voting.

student member

means a member of the association who is an ANU student.

2 Name

The name of the association is The Australian National University Computer Science Students’ Association, Inc.

3 Objects

The objects of the association are to encourage and support the study and practice of computer science and related fields by students of the ANU.

4 Amendment

This constitution may be amended or replaced by a special resolution in accordance with the Act. This includes a change to the association’s name or objects.

5 Affiliations

  1. The association is affiliated to the ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics.

  2. The association may affiliate to ANUSA. While it is affiliated, the following provisions apply to the extent permitted by law.

    1. Anything in this constitution which is inconsistent with ANUSA Clubs Regulations and Policies is void to the extent of that inconsistency.

    2. The association must fulfil its obligations under ANUSA Clubs Regulations and Policies.

    3. For the purposes of ANUSA Clubs Regulations and Policies, the “trustees” of the association are the president, the vice-president, the treasurer, and the secretary.

  3. If the association disaffiliates from ANUSA, fails to re-affiliate by the end of the first ANU teaching period, or is dissolved or wound up, any net funds or property of the association sourced by means of ANUSA grants in the current or previous calendar year must, at ANUSA’s request, be given to ANUSA.

6 Membership

  1. A person becomes a member of the association — 

    1. when they inform the committee that they wish to become a member, pay the membership fee, and if they are not an ANU student, are approved by the committee; or

    2. when a special resolution makes them a life member; or

    3. when they become a committee member.

  2. The committee may determine a membership fee not exceeding $20. The committee may permit a person to pay no membership fee, or a reduced fee.

  3. The secretary must maintain a list of names and email addresses of members.

  4. Only student members may vote on resolutions at a general meeting or vote in an election of the committee.

  5. A person’s membership ends — 

    1. at the end of each calendar year, unless they are a committee member or a life member; or

    2. when they inform the committee that they wish to end their membership; or

    3. when a special resolution ends their membership.

7 Committee

  1. The association is governed by a committee of — 

    1. the president; and

    2. the vice-president; and

    3. the treasurer; and

    4. the secretary; and

    5. the industry officer; and

    6. the postgraduate officer; and

    7. the diversity officer; and

    8. the international officer; and

    9. the communications officer; and

    10. up to six ordinary committee members.

  2. The committee can exercise all powers and functions of the association (consistently with this constitution and relevant laws), except for powers and functions that members are required to exercise at a general meeting (under this constitution and relevant laws).

  3. The committee can delegate any of its powers and functions to a committee member, a sub-committee (which may include people outside the committee), or another person, other than this power of delegation or a duty that applies to the committee or a particular committee member under law.

  4. The committee is bound by resolutions of a general meeting of members.

  5. The committee may, by resolution, make, amend, and repeal policies governing the functions of the association, subject to this constitution and any resolution of a general meeting of members.

  6. Only an ANU student may be elected or appointed as an office-bearer. Ceasing to be a student does not cause an office-bearer to lose their position as a result.

  7. A person may not hold more than one position on the committee.

  8. If a position on the committee is vacant, the remaining members of the committee may appoint a person to that position.

  9. A member of the committee may resign, or a resolution of a general meeting can remove them from their position.

  10. More than half of the committee members must be present (whether in person or by other means, e.g. video or telephone call) to hold a meeting of the committee.

  11. A resolution of the committee is passed if more committee members present at a meeting vote in favour of the resolution than vote against (committee members may choose not to vote).

  12. A resolution of the committee circulated in writing outside of a meeting is passed if at least two thirds of committee members agree to it.

8 Election of the committee

  1. The committee must appoint a willing person as the returning officer for an election of office-bearers and two ordinary committee members at least four weeks before each AGM.

  2. A returning officer cannot nominate for any position in the election for which they are the returning officer.

  3. The committee must assist the returning officer as needed to run the election (including, but not limited to, with access to the list of members and the association’s website, email, and social media).

  4. The returning officer must notify all members calling for nominations for each position at least three weeks before the AGM. Nominations must be made by the nominee, in the manner and by the date directed by the returning officer, listing in preference order which position(s) they are nominating for and stating, in no more than 300 words, their suitability for those position(s).

  5. The returning officer must notify all members of the name, nominated position(s), and statement of each candidate at least one week before the AGM.

  6. The returning officer must conduct a secret ballot at the AGM for each role with more candidates than available positions.

  7. The returning officer must determine the elected candidate(s) for each contested position using a single transferable vote method.

  8. If a candidate would be elected to more than one position, they are elected to the position for which they nominated the highest preference, and each lower-preferenced position is re-counted as though the candidate withdrew. This process is repeated as necessary.

  9. Each elected candidate assumes their position, and any position not elected (including additional ordinary committee members) becomes vacant, two weeks after the conclusion of the AGM.

9 General meetings

  1. The committee must call an annual general meeting of members once each calendar year.

  2. The committee may call an ordinary general meeting of members up to once each ANU semester.

  3. The committee must call a special general meeting of members within 14 elegible days (see subsection 9(4)) of receiving a petition of 15 members of the association calling for such a meeting. The meeting must only consider matters called for in the petition.

  4. General meetings must be held during an ANU semester, and not on a public holiday.

  5. General meetings must be accessible to members, and must be held on ANU campus if reasonably practical.

  6. The committee must notify members by email of the time and location of a general meeting at least — 

    1. 2 weeks before an annual or ordinary general meeting; or

    2. 3 days before a special general meeting.

  7. At least 10 student members must be present (whether in person or by other means, e.g. video or telephone call, but not by proxy) to hold a general meeting of the association or exercise its powers.

  8. A student member may appoint another student member as a proxy to vote on their behalf by notifying the secretary before or during a general meeting. A student member must not be a proxy for more than one other student member.

  9. A resolution (other than a special resolution) is passed if more student members present at a meeting (including by proxy) vote in favour of the resolution than vote against (student members may choose not to vote).

10 Records

  1. Physical records and the common seal (if any) of the association must be kept in the office of the association, or in the custody of the secretary.

  2. The common seal (if any) of the association must only be attached to a document by resolution of the committee, and be accompanied by the signatures of two members of the committee.

  3. The secretary must keep minutes of — 

    1. elections and appointments of committee members; and

    2. the names of committee members present at a committee meeting or student members present at a general meeting; and

    3. proceedings of committee and general meetings.

  4. The secretary must publish this constitution, policies, and minutes in a place visible to members (e.g. on the association’s website), or make them available to a member on request within a reasonable time.

  5. The treasurer must keep records of the income and expenditure of the association, and report on these to each AGM.

  6. The financial year of the association is from 1 July to 30 June.

11 Funds

  1. The committee must establish policies about the holding and management of the funds of the association that set out how they may be used.

  2. The association can receive funding from — 

    1. membership fees,

    2. donations,

    3. grants,

    4. fundraising,

    5. sponsorships,

    6. interest, and

    7. any other lawful sources the committee decides that are consistent with the association’s objects.

  3. Funds of the association must not be given directly or indirectly to members except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the association.

  4. If the association is dissolved or wound up, any funds or property of the association remaining after all debts and liabilities (including subsection 5(3)) are satisfied must be given to another association with a similar purpose which is not for profit, or to ANUSA.

  5. Members of the association are not liable to contribute to debts and liabilities of the association if it is dissolved or wound up.

12 Dispute resolution

  1. If there is a dispute under this constitution or policies between a member and the committee, or between members, that cannot be resolved by the parties reaching agreement, any party may ask the committee to attempt to resolve the dispute.

  2. The committee may make a policy for dispute resolution, or may refer to an external procedure for dispute resolution (e.g. the dispute resolution procedure of an organisation the association is affiliated to).