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The ANU Computer Science Students’ Association

The ANU Computer Science Students’ Association is a society for students studying (or interested in) computer science, software engineering, and related fields.

We operate a common room on campus, as well as several online spaces; organise regular academic and social events, and events with industry sponsors; and a variety of other activities for the benefit of our members and the broader ANU community.

In Person

Come visit our common room on campus! Room N102, on the ground floor of the CSIT Building.

We’ve got

and above all, a vibrant and welcoming community!


Not around on campus? Don’t worry - we also have a thriving online community.

You can join us on Discord or IRC (#cssa on Libera.Chat) - the two are bridged.


Membership is open to all ANU students, and is free or $5 for the whole year. You can join online, or drop by the common room or our stall on market day to sign up.

Are you a staff member, alumnus, high school student, or other keen bean interested in membership? Contact the committee!

Contact Us

The association’s mailing address is:

CSIT Building
108 North Road
Acton ACT 2601

For sponsorship, partnership, or event enquiries, contact our Industry Officer at anucssa.industry@anu.edu.au. For all other enquiries, you can contact the committee at anucssa@anu.edu.au.